Holiday Events Make for a Fun Day at Ocean Isle!

The Saturday after Thanksgiving had a little for everyone! There was the annual Property Owners' Meeting in the morning; followed by a traditional parade in the afternoon; then the Christmas tree lighting at dusk; with it all topped off by a boat parade at night!

The parade went down East 2nd Street from the Museum of Coastal Carolina, and snaked over to 1st Street on its way back toward the middle of the island. It included town officials, different Shriner groups at their clown and go-cart best, and individual families with their golf carts decorated. All of the kids watching loved the candy that everyone threw from the passing cars!

The 6th annual boat parade had about 20 boats this year, and had a great crowd watching along the waterfront near the restaurants on Causeway Drive. The event gets better every year-if you didn't get a chance to come to the beach this Thanksgiving, make plans for next year by giving us a call!

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