Sunset Properties Announces Winners for First 4 Days of Scavenger Hunt

We know that many of you are facing winter weather this week, so we hope this contest can warm you up a bit as you think of the beach!

Over 1200 responses over the first 4 days-thanks to all for participating!

Here are winners drawn from thoses entries for the days so far:

Day 1: Susan Ulrich

Day 2: Tim Davies

Day 3: Elizabeth Reece (and receives a bonus gift from the SB Turtle Patrol)

Day 4: Brian Decima

Each of these folks and the remaining 6 daily winners will receive a copy of the Sunset Properties-opoly game. All will be included with every qualifying entry in the grand prize drawings at the end of the event.  (You can see the answers for the daily questions on our promotions page).

Keep playing!

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